Hartberg, Østrig 2024

The entire day was spend on the bus, it was a long but fun ride.


This day we were still on that bus a bit sore and ready to arrive at the destination. Finally getting there, we were introduced to the school of the city, the students there and we had som fun. We among other things played volleyball and we did an entire presentation about our school. 
After finishing school for the day, we were to be picked up bu the buschauffer… or so we thought! The driver had fallen asleap after a long night of driving. so we had to walk back to the hotel and wait for quite some time to get oure stuff an a long waited shower. 


Was spend experiencing an interesting cave otherwise that day was primarily spend on enjoying eachother, chilling with one another and looking around the city


Now this day was exciting, We went canyoning, for the day, and also hiking. It was really fun and we had a great time. After that was done. We were all exhausted, so for the rest of the day, we merely hung out and relaxed.