Hartberg, Østrig 2024

Sunday, day 1: the trip to berlin

We all gathered at the school before we went on the bus. Exited

While on the bus ride it was really fun and relaxing, until it came to sleepy time, Some people were trying to sleep but Others were really loud and annoying they wouldnt be quiet, some were just talking (fine but they weren’t quitet)

A few others were playin music at one point at like 3.00am which was also annoying but then they thought it would be funny to turn the music all the way up and then down again after a few seconds up to 6 times!!, another thing was sleeping was hard cause there weren’t any good way to sleep comfortably some even slept on the floor of the bus which work out until the teachers said no no its illegal.


Monday, day 2: arriving at Hartberg gym

In the morning we went to the Hartbert gym and played volleyball which was really fun then we went on our way to an amazing hotel.


Tuesday, day 3: the main events

Waking up on Tuesday, we got ready to leave and head on down to Oberwimm which was a HUGE down grade from the last hotel T~T, but we went out to see a dripstone cave which was cool but maybe just a little uninteresting mabye cause it was a plan B we went down to the hotels food court which was AWESOME after eating breakfast we went to a dripstone gave which was cool but we didnt really think it was that interesting, which fair enough it was just a plan B cause the Hartberg gym didnt want to get their hair wet (joke) then we went back to the awesome hotel again and slept.


Wednesday, day 4: canyoning

On wednesday we went canyoning and it was AWESOME really fun 10/10 would recomend we brought a insta 360 cam so we got a lot of cool shots and videos we also found out a lot of people fell, slipped, and tripped in a fun way.


Thursday, day 5: driving and hiking


Thursday we went in two groups one went rafting the other went hiking then they switch so everyone got to try both, first we were on team rafting where we went up a city went rafter and then we got into boats and went down the river which was relaxing and fun some people got stuck and tipped the boat and fell into the water XD, after rafting we went hiking up in the mountains, we saw a lot of big and pretty water falls after getting really high up to the others we went farther up the mountain, the view was AMAZING then after admiring the view we went down which was easier for a while until it got really sloped so it was hurting the legs a little bit and if we ran we couldn’t stop, after getting down we got into the bus with the others and drove back to the hotel.